Beginner’s Guide To Albino Corn Snakes: Care Tips & Advice

If you’re considering getting a pet snake, albino corn snakes are a great choice for beginners. These docile creatures are easy to care for and come in a variety of morphs and colors. With proper care, your albino corn snake can live up to 20 years, making them a long-term commitment that can provide endless hours of enjoyment.

In this beginner’s guide to albino corn snakes, we will provide you with all the information you need to provide the best care for your new pet. From setting up their tank to feeding and handling, we’ll cover everything you need to know to ensure your snake is healthy and happy.

Whether you’re a first-time reptile owner or a seasoned enthusiast, this guide will give you the tools you need to provide the best care possible for your albino corn snake.

Key Takeaways

  • Albino corn snakes are popular, docile, and easily purchased medium-sized snakes that make great pets for beginners and reptile enthusiasts.
  • These snakes require a simple diet, a 30-40 gallon glass vivarium, and regular tank cleaning for their health.
  • Handling is important for promoting pet tameness, but they should not be handled while shedding and need time to adjust to a new environment.
  • Breeding can be done after a period of brumation, and there are similar breeds with different care requirements when in captivity.

Albino Corn Snake Basics

So, you wanna know the basics of albino corn snakes? These popular medium-sized snakes are available in a variety of morphs and colors, and are easily purchased for around $40 USD. Albino corn snakes lack melanin in their pigmentation, which gives them a unique appearance.

They can grow up to 72 inches long and have a docile nature, making them ideal pets for beginners and reptile enthusiasts.

When it comes to handling techniques, it’s important to start with short sessions and gradually increase the time. Albino corn snakes use body language to communicate with humans and other snakes, and can become tame with regular handling.

However, they should not be handled while shedding, as this can cause stress and discomfort. With proper care and attention, albino corn snakes can live up to 20 years in captivity.

Housing and Environment

To ensure your pet’s comfort, create a habitat that mimics their natural environment with a cool side and a warmer side, using aspen shavings as substrate and a minimum of a 20-gallon glass enclosure that gradually increases in size.

The cool side should be in the 70-77°F range while the warmer side should range from 80-85°F. It’s important to note that you shouldn’t use sand or gravel as substrate as they can cause impaction and intestinal blockages.

As for tank size, a 20-gallon glass enclosure is the minimum size, but usually, a 30-40 gallon vivarium is ideal for adult albino corn snakes.

When it comes to humidity needs, a humid hide box is essential for shedding. You can create a humid hide box by placing damp sphagnum moss or paper towels in a hide box.

Mist the enclosure once a day to keep the humidity level at 30-50%. Additionally, tank cleaning is essential for their health, and you should spot clean daily and do a deep clean once a month.

By following these housing and environment tips, you can ensure that your albino corn snake will have a comfortable and healthy living space.

Breeding Information

If you’re interested in breeding your pet albino corn snake, it’s important to wait until they have gone through a period of brumation. During this time, the snake experiences a drop in temperature and decreased activity, which prepares them for breeding season.

Females can lay up to 32 eggs in a clutch, which can be incubated at a temperature of 78-80°F.

It’s important to note that breeding snakes can be a complex and challenging process, and should only be attempted by experienced reptile breeders. Breeding snakes also requires a significant amount of space and resources, as well as a thorough understanding of the genetics of the specific morphs being bred.

If you’re interested in breeding your albino corn snake, it’s important to do your research and consult with a knowledgeable reptile breeder before attempting to breed your pet.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I clean my albino corn snake’s tank?

To maintain a healthy habitat for your albino corn snake, tank maintenance is crucial. Clean their enclosure weekly, removing soiled bedding and wiping down surfaces. Aspen shavings are a great bedding option for them.

Can I keep more than one albino corn snake in the same enclosure?

It is not recommended to keep more than one albino corn snake in the same enclosure as they are solitary animals and can become aggressive towards each other. Introducing new snakes can also cause stress and potential harm. Housing compatibility is important for their health and well-being.

What kind of lighting do albino corn snakes need?

Albino corn snakes do not require UVB lighting, but they do need a temperature gradient in their enclosure. The cool side should be 70-77°F and the warm side 80-85°F. Use a heating pad/tape to achieve this.

How can I tell if my albino corn snake is male or female?

To determine the gender of your albino corn snake, examine the tail and cloaca area. Males have longer and thicker tails, while females have shorter and thinner tails. Breeding basics for beginners include brumation and incubation at 78-80°F.

Do albino corn snakes need any supplements in their diet?

As the adage goes, "you are what you eat." Albino corn snakes do not require any supplements in their diet, but feeding frequency varies depending on age and size. Consult an expert for specific feeding recommendations.


Congratulations on making it through this comprehensive guide to caring for albino corn snakes! By following the tips and advice provided, you can ensure that your pet snake remains healthy and happy for years to come.

Remember to provide a suitable environment with proper heating and lighting, a nutritious diet, and regular veterinary care. In essence, caring for a snake is like tending to a delicate garden.

With the right tools and knowledge, you can create a thriving environment where your albino corn snake can grow and flourish. Just like a garden, there may be challenges along the way, but with patience and dedication, you can overcome them and enjoy the rewards of a beautiful and fulfilling relationship with your pet snake.

Happy snake-keeping!

Alain Grant

I'm Alain, a passionate reptile enthusiast and the creator A blog sharing my 15 years of hands-on experience in caring for reptiles, my goal is to provide valuable insights, practical tips, and reliable information to fellow reptile lovers. Contact me at for assistance.

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