Are you considering getting an Angolan python as your new pet? These beautiful and interactive snakes are perfect for beginner reptile keepers who want a …
Information, care guides, and species profiles for various types of snakes.
Boelen’s Pythons: Challenging Yet Rewarding Pets
Are you an experienced snake owner looking for a new challenge? Look no further than Boelen’s pythons. These strikingly beautiful snakes, native to New Guinea, …
Mastering Elephant Trunk Snake Care: Tips & Tricks
Are you an experienced snake keeper looking to add a unique aquatic species to your collection? Do you want to take on the challenge of …
Emerald Tree Boa: A Vibrant, Non-Venomous Rainforest Hunter
You step into the lush, green world of the South American rainforest and can’t help but feel a sense of awe and wonder. The vibrant …
Dragon Snake Care: Ultimate Guide To Habitat, Diet & Health
Do you want to learn how to care for a unique and rare creature that resembles a dragon? Look no further than the dragon snake. …
Mastering Eyelash Viper Care: Expert Tips & Species Profile
Are you considering keeping an eyelash viper as a pet? These beautiful and unique reptiles require specific care and attention to thrive in captivity. Don’t …
Prairie Kingsnakes Care: Ultimate Guide
Are you a reptile enthusiast looking for a new addition to your collection? Look no further than the prairie kingsnake. This non-venomous species, native to …
Dumeril’s Boa Care: Easy And Endangered
You may have heard that taking care of a reptile is a difficult task that requires a lot of time and effort. However, when it …
Red Tail Boas: The Perfect Pet Constrictor
Are you in search of a captivating and unique pet that will leave your friends and family in awe? Look no further than the Red …
Tentacled Snake Care: Tips & Tricks For Keeping Your Aquatic Pet Happy!
Have you ever seen a snake with tentacles? It may sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, but the tentacled snake is a real …